John BURTON, 17741864 (aged 90 years)

Birth 1774 39
Birth of a brotherHal BURTON
1777 (aged 3 years)
Birth of a sisterMargaret BURTON
1777 (aged 3 years)
Death of a brotherHal BURTON
April 1, 1778 (aged 4 years)
Birth of a brotherHal BURTON
1779 (aged 5 years)
Birth of a brotherAbner BURTON
1782 (aged 8 years)
Birth of a brotherJoseph BURTON
1782 (aged 8 years)
Death of a brotherJoseph BURTON
1782 (aged 8 years)
Birth of a sisterJemima BURTON
1785 (aged 11 years)
Death of a fatherHal BURTON
1790 (aged 16 years)
Death of a motherMary Johnson
1792 (aged 18 years)
Death of a brotherAbner BURTON
1797 (aged 23 years)
Death of a sisterDinah BURTON
1836 (aged 62 years)
Death of a brotherHal BURTON
1850 (aged 76 years)

Death of a sisterJemima BURTON
1854 (aged 80 years)

Death 1864 (aged 90 years)

Family with parents
Birth: 1774 39Horningsea, Cambridgeshire, England
Death: 1864
4 years
younger brother
Birth: 1777 42Horningsea, Cambridgeshire, England
Death: April 1, 1778Horningsea, Cambridgeshire, England
1 year
younger sister
6 years
younger brother
Birth: 1782 47Horningsea, Cambridgeshire, England
Death: 1797Horningsea, Cambridgeshire, England
1 year
younger brother
Birth: 1782 47Horningsea, Cambridgeshire, England
Death: 1782Horningsea, Cambridgeshire, England
4 years
younger sister
Birth: 1785 50Horningsea, Cambridgeshire, England
Death: 1854
-5 years
younger brother
Birth: 1779 44Horningsea, Cambridgeshire, England
Death: 1850
-6 years
elder sister